21 de dez. de 2013

Dodson Visiting Professor of Archival Studies

Deadline: March 1, 2014

The University of British Columbia holds an international reputation for excellence in advanced research and learning. It is located in Vancouver, Canada, one of the world's most beautiful and culturally diverse cities. The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS), the iSchool at UBC, is pleased to invite applications for the Dodson Visiting Professorship named in honour of Suzanne and Earl Dodson.

This is a competitive position that provides funds to enable the successful candidate to spend an extended period of time, normally an academic term, engaged in research and teaching with the iSchool and UBC Community. Academics at all levels from all countries are encouraged to apply. Applicants will normally hold a doctoral degree, and currently be employed in an institution of higher education.

This year's call is for a Visiting Professor in Archival Studies, who will bring expertise and an active record of scholarship in archival studies, intended as a broad area of research covering all different aspects related to creation, management and preservation of documents. Preference will be given to candidates who have a proven track record of high quality research and experience in teaching and mentorship. This is an opportunity to work with well-known senior scholars at the iSchool as well as an outstanding group of junior faculty members active in areas such as digital diplomatics, digital records forensics, records management, visual analytics, and information risk management. While all applications will be considered, preference will be given to candidates whose research interests align with those of one or more faculty members within the iSchool.

This Visiting Professorship offers the opportunity to interact with the talented and engaged students in the MAS Program by teaching up to two courses. The Professor will be fully integrated into the research culture at the iSchool and will be expected to attend research talks and events, interact with doctoral students and present his or her research at a colloquium, open to members of the iSchool and the community.

The Dodson Visiting Professorship funds this position for one term in the amount of $15,000, which can be supplemented through teaching (up to two 3-credit courses) to reach $30,000.

Kindly address all enquiries and applications, comprising a letter of interest and a current CV, to:
Professor Caroline Haythornthwaite
Director - SLAIS, The iSchool at UBC
The University of British Columbia
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Suite 470, 1961 East Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z1 CANADA
Closing date: Review of applications will begin on March 1st 2014 and continue until the visiting professorship has been awarded. Start date: Either September 2nd 2014 or January 5th 2015.

Información compartida por Anna Szlejcher

16 de dez. de 2013

Accredited Online Colleges

"AccreditedOnlineColleges.org is the Internet’s premier site for finding accredited online education in America that is in line with the standards of the United States Department of Education. It allows you to search through countless accredited schools based on a variety of criteria to find the accredited college that best meets your needs.

Our data is pulled from the Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs and is compiled entirely from publicly available information reported to the U.S. Department of Education. This information is provided by recognized state agencies and accrediting organizations that have been asked to provide statistics for each institution and/or program they accredit. The database is updated regularly to reflect additional information as we receive it from the appropriate authorities.

One of the most useful parts of this project is: AccreditedOnlineColleges.org/Degree-Programs, which is a comprehensive and informative resource that ranks each university in America by size, degrees offered, tuition costs, admission rates, graduation rates, and retention rates. While entire institutions can earn regional accreditation to ensure that the school as a whole meets educational standards, specific departments and degree programs also pursue specialized educational accreditation for departments or degree programs."

The URLs, http://accreditedonlinecolleges.org/ and http://accreditedonlinecolleges.org/Degree-Programs are linked directly to the portal resources

Información enviada por Elizabeth Turner

9 de dez. de 2013

VI Jornadas Fotodoc

Las VI Jornadas Fotodoc "Ese oscuro objeto de deseo" se celebrarán el próximo jueves 12 de diciembre, en horario de 9.15 a 14h, en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, según el programa abajo:

Jueves, 12 de Diciembre de 2013
de 9'15 a 14'00 h - Sala de conferencias
Director: Juan Miguel Sánchez Vigil

  • 9:15 Apertura Inauguración:
    José María de Francisco Olmos (Decano de la Facultad)

  • 9:30 El plagio en la fotografía
    Alberto Cabello (Abogado, Vicepresidente del GAJ)

  • 10:15 La fotografía en las artes escénicas
    Antonio Cabello (Arte Fotográfico)
11:00 Descanso
  • 11:30 El fondo Lladó en el Archivo del Centro Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC
    Rosa Villalón y Raquel Ibáñez

  • 12:15 La fotografía como creación 
    Luis Casteló (UCM)

  • 12:45  El fotoperiodismo como vocación 
    Federico Ayala y Luis Vega (Diario Abc)

  • 13:15 Presentación del libro Madrid, Crónica de un cambio, del fotoperiodista Gabriel Carvajal (Diario Ya)
    Almudena Sánchez (Editorial Temporae-La Librería)

  • 14:00 Clausura
    Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación
Entrada libre hasta completar el aforo. Se expedirá certificado de asistencia

Un pequeño balance de las jornadas anteriores, las V Fotodoc, celebradas en mayo/2013, está disponible acá

Información difundida por Antonia Salvador Benítez